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A Message From The Sound of Silence February 21, 2021

Posted by rhoagenda in Rho Agenda Updates.

Hello to all my fans. I know, that in these troubled times, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear to be upon us. All of these struggles, this lack of ability to communicate, to care about each other, is so disheartening that it tears my soul. With that in mind, I have recently heard a 2016 cover of the wonderful Simon and Garfunkel song, The Sound of Silence, by the band Disturbed. It blew my mind with how relevant the lyrics of that 1964 song are today. People are talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. It is so sad that we can’t hear each other. Thus, I introduce those few of you who have not heard Disturbed give their live performance on the Conan show.

Disturbed… The Sound of Silence